
During the turbulence of 2020 I created a virtual platform to share free meditation.

My intention is to create a relaxed space where I can share my perspective of accessible theories behind the power of mindfulness and meditation. A space to ground into the body, connect with our breath and feel the immediate effects of slowing down and observing.
Our bodies are the unconscious mind. We are emotionally triggered by experiences not only happening now in “real time”, but importantly also experiences that we create by thought alone. Embodiment provides clarity and an opportunity to start acknowledging some of the hard wired programming that has been the foundation of our reality and often the seed to our suffering. Remember it’s through awareness that conscious changes can happen.
Below you can listen to the casual conversation and join in with 18 minutes of mindfulness meditation.

Or if you would prefer, skip past the theory and just listen to the meditation.

click here to join the community

Enjoy x

There is a slight delay in editing the last months meditation sessions. I do apologise. They will be uploaded asap.

Experiencing the moment through our senses

Meditation starts 5 minutes in.


What do you want to allow into your experience? Negotiation

Meditation starts 5 minutes in.


The conscious, unconscious and subconscious

Meditation starts 6.5 minutes in.


Attention and Intention

Meditation starts 5 minutes in.


Thinking differently - Sacred Geometry

Meditation starts 6.5 minutes in.


Body as presence

Meditation starts 6.5 minutes in.


Grounding meditation for anxiety

Meditation starts 6.5 minutes in.


Authenticity and Empowerment

Meditation starts 4.5 minutes in.


Pleasure; feminine and masculine energy

Meditation starts 5 minutes in.


Mindfulness of all phenomena: The breathing body

Meditation starts 4.5 minutes in.


Feelings tones; are you perceiving an experience as pleasant, unpleasant or neutral.

Meditation starts 3.5 minutes in.


A beginners mind: Mindfulness of sound meditation

Meditation starts 5 minutes in.


Heart: Sensations: Narrative Nostril breathing meditation

Meditation starts 5 minutes in.


Body Intelligence

Meditation starts 3 minutes in.


The aliveness of the present moment

Meditation starts 5 minutes in.


Brain: Frequency: Creativity

Meditation starts 6.5 minutes in.

Click here to see the image referenced in the talk



